This blog is to honor those who have come before us. These are family letters that I have had for years and wanted to be able to share them with family. It's an interesting way of knowing how life was in the past.


Myron F Taylor with 3 of his buddies in 1952. Over the last 20 years I've been working on our family letters. Letters that have been passed down. Including letters from my parents to my great-grandmother. Every letter was saved by my great grandmother and grandmother. I hope someday to either print them or give them to a museum. I am copying the letters–not being able to photocopy all of them. Each letter is in script. I know today very few can read them. I hope you enjoy them.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Any Idea?

 Today I was going through photos of my mother as well as a lot of the family. I would like to post a couple, but I found people are taking my photos and posting them as theirs. I had to mark them private because the information is always incorrect. 

Here is one I found. That's my mother in the front. I don't know who the children behind her are. I believe this was in OR before they moved to Seattle. If you might know who they are, I would love to find out. There is nothing written on the back. 

I thought I lost this photo when I gave it to the museum to post next to dads name on the plaque. They lost the photo anyway. When I found this, I was thrilled. I may send it to them through the email, so I can keep the original photo. 

This is some of the stuff I have on my family tree. I found a ton more letters to post here, so I have a lot of work to do, to get those letters posted. 

In the meantime, I thought you might like to see some photos from over 50 years ago. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Marion Wineland Re: Irvin Wineland July 1963


514 Woodcrest Lane

Fallbrook, Calif.

July 29, 1963

Dear Archie and Mabel:

Hate to worry you unnecessarily but thin I should let you know that Irvin is in the Hospital in San Diego. This morning he got dizzy, and passed out for a few minutes. Then when the neighbors and I got him on to the cot (he was in the garage with it happened) he vomited blood so took him to the hospital. He seems quite himself to talk to so it wasn’t a stroke but a hemoridge. The doctors are checking. They don’t think its his chest but seems to be in his stomack or maybe an ulcer. Anyway hope its noting too bad.

As soon as I can find out I will let you  know. They gave him an x-ray, and stuck a tube down in him. We had to come back to Fallbrock tonight. My neighbors were with me. The doctors will check some more. It is a good hospital and I am sure will get good care. I think they will transfer him to the veterans hospital if he has to stay awhile. He seemed to feel quite well this morning before it happened and ate his breakfast as usual. Well don’t worry too much and I promise to let you know as soon as I can see what develops, He does not seem to be in any pain at all and talks quite strong and sensible as usual.


Love, for now, Marion

December 1983 - Friends Of The Family - Marilyn M.


December 1983

Dear Friends,

This year we’re trying to get our cards out early so we can sit back and enjoy the holidays. Also, we want to pass along our new address.

We had a very busy 1983. It began with a vacation to Florida in January. Believe it or not with all the traveling we’re done, that was our first trip to Florida and what an enjoyable one it was, too. In addition to the tourist attractions, we visited old friends Mel & Ruth Daniel and Dixie & Mae Johnson.

Being in real estate Ken is always running across nice houses, so the inevitable happened – we moved April 30th. The month of May was really hectic trying to get settle and preparing for Cindy’s wedding on the 28th. She married a nice young man, Paul Barnett, from Adelphi, Maryland. It was a beautiful day and they had a lovely wedding in the Crofton Baptist Church. Stephanie was her maid of honor, along with two bridesmaids. We were so happy that my folks were able to come. Cindy and Paul bought our “old” house, so we kept it in the family. It’s nice to have them near. Cindy has taken an educational leave from the airlines, so is attending school as well as working for mortgage company.

In July Ken and I flew to Wichita for my 30th high school class reunion. We were overseas for both the 10th and 20th, so that was the first time I’d seen many of my classmates since high school.

Stil filled with wanderlust, in October we met our friends Fred & annie Stumme in Munich. From there we traveled to Augsburg, Garmisch, Stuttgart, Zweibrucken and Frankfurt – spent 10 days reminiscing and visiting old haunts. Needless to say, we stuffed ourselves with that good German food—schnitzels, fired potatoes, cake smothered in whipped cream. The weather was atypical—absolutely perfect. We had such a good time!! The Stummes spent a few days in Berlin prior to meeting us, and went on to England for a visit when we returned home. We just felt we shouldn’t be away any longer.

Stephanie came home with a ring the other night, so we’re going to have a 1984 wedding. She’s marrying a fellow she went to high school with—they’ve been dating about three years. We’re very pleased. Our family is growing quickly. Stephanie is still with Logicon—going on four years now.

Our door is open if you’re ever our way. Hope each of you is blessed with a healthy, happy 1984!!





This is family friends from the military – Ken and Marilyn McKee.

Barb Unknown '82

Christmas ‘83


Hi – Merry Christmas from Minnesota. Was such a lovely surprise to get a phone call from Chris last winter. He & Bud had quite a chat judging from all the news bud relayed to me. Great to hear.

We’re all just fine. Our life has changed a bit since Kathy graduated in June. She started at Minnesota State U in Sept. It’s about 75 mi SW of us. Has been getting home every 2nd or 3rd weekend so don’t miss her too much.

Bud is working Sat thru Mon. 12 hour mid shift. Works in the computer room & loves it. (I call it retirement!) Gives him lots of time to party during the week.

Shel is at Northern Telecom. A computer firm west of Mpls. Seems to be doing well just started selling Amway products etc. p.t. She sounds so optimistic about it.

Val works for Metro WW Comm. Also, but in St. Paul. Has been there 5 ½ yrs. & likes it very much & doing well.

I worked p.t. at a garden & apple orchard about a mile up the road from us. The season just ended and I miss it – really enjoyed it.

Still have 2 leagues & occasional volunteer work.

My folks are just great, both retired now & loving it. They go to Oregon for a few months after xmas. Dad started golfing last year & just addicted to it.

Hope this finds you all well.

Blessed Christmas & Great ‘84


Love Barb

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Shirley Taylor To Archie And Mabel Wineland 1964

Saturday Afternoon

23, November 1963

Dearest Mom and Dad,

It is pouring down rain here and it really seems fitting that it should with President Kennedy laying in the White House. Isn’t it a waiste of a brilliant mind? I don’t think I have every seen any place close down so tightly as this base. Within an hour after his death all work was stopped every business on the post was quietly closed. What a terrific shock.

Well, we are all fine. I can’t seem to get on the ball and get a thing done. Think I’ll sit and put quilt blocks together. There is nothing on the TV and Radio but the news so I can guess that I will sit and watch it.

I feel so sorry for his wife and children to be left so suddenly and so terribly. She has had more than her share of grief in the past couple of months.

I received a letter from Park Wineland this morning in the mail. I’ll copy it here in this letter so you can have a copy of it.

Here goes –

November 20, 1963

Mrs. M. Taylor

Fort Meade, Md.

Dear folks;

Your letter of the 31st, helped out, but In order to connect them up we’ll have to have as many generations back as you can give and then maybe I will be able to connect them up.

Of course I was under the impression that your folks might be related to the fellow John who married the granddaughter of St. Clair. His children were

George Washington Wineland

John Albert

David Baldwin

Daniel St. Clair

Mary Elizabeth

Robert Graham

Margaret Balfear

Henry Clay

Winfield Scott

Ellen Douglas

Now John was the grandson of Christopher who came to this country. He had one son Michael, and Michael had two sons Christopher, John. CB 1799 J-B 1810

There were some other Winelands in that area too, that had moved there from eastern Penna.

Hardy Hill B 1835

Christopher B 1839

John B 1810

He had 10 children 6 boys and 4 girls

The first bon 1833 and the last 1854.

One went to Detroit, Mich. Where he is buried. One to Wisconsin, One to Elkhart Indianna, One went to Dallis Texas.

However in that same area were at least two or three other Weinland’s who moved west from Lancaster County Pa. So if we can get together the data of present, as well as the data going back as far as you can mabe we can find the answer.

Also, there is a Wineland, mentioned in “Mark Twayne” book on the Mississippi and he is buried in Ill. At Hamburg and his dependents live in that area.

I did receive a letter from H. L. Wineland 12362 Lorelein Ave. Garden Grove California. It contained a German copy of a will signed by John? Weinland dated 1786 The copy came from Germany.

So if you can gather together the date, as far back as possible, may be I’ll be able to connect them.


Park E. Wineland

Note; James E Wineland 30 McKinley Ave, West Caldwell, New Jersey wrote to me about a letter I sent to his brother in 1954 in Indianna.

Now, if you can send me a couple of the Winelands in Kansas addresses I’ll sit down and write some letters off and try and get some more information. I’ll get a letter off to Aunt Laura Wineland and maybe she can find out some dates and some information of part of the family. This is really getting interesting. Myron is writing everything down in a book for us to keep ourselves. I haven’t heard a thing from the Archives yet but am sure we will this next couple of weeks.

Took Pat into the Doctors on Thursday afternoon and found he had a good cold and two ear infections. They gave us four kinds of medicine and he just loves it. He is doing really well and doesn’t get into being crabby. He sure wants his mommy to sit and rock him and so we do. He is getting real well about letting others too.

Chris got his report card last week. He got nine A;s Nine B’s and 3 C’s. We were sure thrilled with it. He seems to be better adjusted in a school of mostly service children.

Well I can’t seem to think of anything more to say so will close for now.

We send to you both,

All our Love, Shirley and Myron and all.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Post Card Sept 9, 1948


It's times like this I wish the last name was signed. I have both sides (TRUE and BIRGE) that this could go to or come from. One of these days I will figure it out. I believe this is one of Solon's siblings children, as the True family all moved to OR from KS and OH. 

1919 Golden Wedding Celebration!


"Father, Mother & Uncle Will True" 

That would be Solon Campbell True married to Sarah Anna Birge True married 11 Nov 1869, Tebo Township, Henry Co, Missouri. 

William "Will" Merit True b 27 Dec 1857, Mercer, Mercer, Missouri, d. 18 Feb 1938, El Reno, Canadian, Oklahoma. (He was married twice)

I wish they would have said who the one behind William is. It is probably one of the 2 other brothers of Solon. They could be Cyrus or Lawrence G. True. Of the 9 children there were 4 boys, 5 girls. Solon's father was Mason True married to Esther Baker Campbell.