This blog is to honor those who have come before us. These are family letters that I have had for years and wanted to be able to share them with family. It's an interesting way of knowing how life was in the past.

Myron F Taylor with 3 of his buddies in 1952. Over the last 20 years I've been working on our family letters. Letters that have been passed down. Including letters from my parents to my great-grandmother. Every letter was saved by my great grandmother and grandmother. I hope someday to either print them or give them to a museum. I am copying the letters–not being able to photocopy all of them. Each letter is in script. I know today very few can read them. I hope you enjoy them.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Irving Wineland - May 8, 1939

Anchorage Alaska
May 8-39
Dear Bro Mable & Shirley:
I should have written sooner but you know how hard it is for me to write.
We have been here in Anchorage for a couple of months. You can see Mt McKinley from here, we are about 275 miles south west of Fairbanks. One can see the Aleutian Islands down the Alaska pensula from  here, it is 110 miles by rail road from Award to here.
As far as I know now I will be going over to Bristol Bay to Fish, the season there is about 30 to 40 days long, but they all make from 1500. Up to 3,000 for 24 days fishing then when I get back Mildred and I are going to Fairbanks and take a steamer down the Yukon River to a village called Ruby then we will fly to Nome, we have a tip on a very rich creek one old fellow 82 years old took out $90,000 last summer and he is the only one working in that place. We will out fit in Nome and fly there and we can prospect for a month and a half then we will have to build a log cabin and get in plenty of wood for the winter as we both want to spend the winter out trapping and hunting for wolves and there are lots of foxes in that country. I think from all reports that the Nome district is by far the best place in Alask to prospect. Two avaitors from Nome went out two years ago bot were $1,400 in debt and the 1st summer took out $30,000 and last year they took out 40 thousand, not bad.
If we do hit anything good, I’ll sure have you folks come up.
Write and tell me all the news.
We saw 2 big moose as we came over the pass by rail from Seward.
Lots of big Kodiak Brown bear and Grizzleys in this country as well as Mt. Sheep and caribon.
As ever your bro

Irv & Mildred

Park Wineland 7-7-57

The Hulman Building
120 West Second Street
Dayton 2, Ohio

Park Wineland Manager


Dear Archie:

After arriving home from the ball game last night, Mrs. W. remembered that we had visited your cousin Ira at Lerpsie, Ohio. That is not very far where the fastin of your grand-father lived. Near Lindlay, Ohio.

I was born and raised just 12 miles from Findlay in Word County.

However so far, I have not been able to place the original John, who came west from some place in Penna. I am enclosing his clart. Ira told me the orginal J. lived in a house where the Penna & Maryland line went through the house. Vout he could not tell me in what country in Pa, I have been in all out three of these Co’s but so far bars not found any count records.

My “hunch” and it is purely one is that he was the son of Jacob & Mary who lived in Beford during the whiskey rebellion, they had about 800 acres of land there but sold it, before the final warrant was issued. The story goes, that he took to the Hills when the troups came there, as he had a big still there, However later he came out and was not prosecuted. But I do not find any further record in the court house, so he must have moved.

I arrved at that idea because the first son (see chart) was named Jacob, and the second son John, Hoever his first daughter was Margarete Ann, (But their the grand-mother could Lanbeur Mary Ann.

So you see how every little bit of information helps make the picture.
I have a letter from Melvin Wineland Alton, Kansas.

So glad you wrote, I am writing to your Brother.

Park Wineland

PS/ Ira is a son of A12 – Jonathan.

This is the original letter - some of the words I wasn't sure about. 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Dec 30, 1963 - June

538 W Figueros Drive
Altadena, California

Dec 30, 1963

Dear Shirley,

So glad to get your letter. I have been interested in the family since 1856 but have only been working on the genealogsince Oct. of this year. I have a full time job which makes my time limited. My husband has a meat market and we have a daughter Darlene, 19, in her second year of College. She is engaged and plans to be married in July. Our son Michael is 17 and will graduate from High School in June. He as part time work and plans to go on to college but you never know. Clyd is from Hill City Kansas and came to California when he was 21. I was born at Waldo Kansas, but came to Calif. when I was 7. We met here in Calif.

I am afraid I won’t be too much help, but am trying and will let you know anything I find out. Being out here I missed out on much of the family back there.

Everyone knows of the existence of the Wineland bible but no one seems to know what happened to it. Ira supposedly had some of the family genealogy and that is why I wrote to Laura. Ira and his wife are both dead. He and Frank (Laura’s husband) were sons of William Marshall Wineland. There was another son, Marvin. Ira had bought Grandpa John Winelands home place at Osborne, Kansas and I saw it in 1956 when Katy was still alive. E had kept it with the antique furniture and etc. and it was lovely. There was a large picture of Grandma Jane (Pearse) Wineland hanging in the dining room. The windows were the narrow tall over with insets at the top of Cranberry galss and the drapes were velvet in the same color. It was just beautiful. We all presumed that Ira had the bible as he seemed to be the only one searching into the past. I had written to all my immediate relatives and they all know the bible existed but no one knows where it is. Another thing I have tried to find out without siccess in it was always rumored that Grandma Jane Pearse Wineland was part Indian. But all I can find out is that her fathers last name was Pearse. Well that spelling is English. Her mothers last name was Brady. And that usually Irish, taken from O’Brady. Laura was writing to Wava and I believe she is Iras daughter so maybe we will learn something there. I hope so. So far I haven’t even been able to find out these peoples first names. It’s terrible to be so ignorant Ha! I have written to try and get more information about John and Jane Wineland and also about Great Great Grandpa John and Mar Elder Wineland. What ever I find I will pass on to you. It so wonderful to find other people doing this. So many people I contact think I’m crazy and others just don’t bother to answer. No if you or Mr. Park Wineland will writhe specific facts you want we will all og to work. I appreciate the information you have sent.

Do you know where Great Great Grandpa John Wineland was born on Dec 11, 1803 or Mary Elder Dec 13, 1803 or where they were married.

I am sending you the references I have on the Elders as there is no information available here where I live. There are blind leads so far. Will put it on a separate page and also enclose genealogy sheets on my immediate family as Park may want them

Love June

Well, I thought I had run down – but decided I would put this in in case Mr. Park Wineland didn’t have it. I read your letter again and think he has it. But anyway.

Great Grandpa John Wineland and Jane Pearse and Wineland went to jewell co Kansas in 1871 and to Osborne Kansas in 1874 from Iowa.

I yes, James Westly Goad --- Uncle John says his fathers initials were I S after they came to Kansas things were so rough he started walking back to Iowa to get work and we never heard of again. It has been a persistant family rumor that “the Indians got him” But no proof. He was born Sept 1 1857 at Cordan, Wayne Co Iowa and Ihave written to see if I can find his parents. No answer yet. He died Aug 31, 1916 of Brights Disease. It buried at Cedar Bluff Cemetary near Waldo Kansas. His wife Lydia (Markham Goad was born Dec 30, 1821 we think in White Co. Tenn. I have written there too. No answer yet. She died April 7, 1885 and is buried at Cedar Bluff Cemetery. Practically everyone is this cemetery is Goad or related to a Goad.

ORIGINL LETTER SENT TO Park Wineland on 9 January 1963

March 15 - Sunday - June

Sunday Mar 15

Dear Shirley,

You go right ahead and preach – if that’s what you call it. I was so glad & proud too to receive your letter. Too many of us take for granted the rights and freedoms that our free flying flag guarantees us, the people of this great country. Too many forget the spilled blood, the gut & grit that gave us these rights. And too few realize that these rights could be lost or taken from us. I am proud to be a distant relation to you and your husband. You keep right on feeling the way you do – it is wonderful!
I too was privileged to have cub scouts & Clyde was assistant Scout Master. Also had Blue Birds, Camp Fire Girls & etc,. Clyde also worked with Little League for two years.

I have gotten discouraged in my research as it seems I am wondering down roads that lead nowhere – but make in time.

Did you get a picture of the Weinland or Wienland crest when you were in Germany? I have hunted the Paradena library on my day off – but cannot find it nor any genealogical references to the spelling of Wineland that Parks wife so kindly sent.

If I think I have information I will write. If you get some – write – otherwise forget t. We are all so busy in the mad cap world of today. I can’t help but wish I could live longer to see what changes that futre will bring to our planet. When you think of the change – just since our Great Grandmother & Grandfather John & Jane Wineland it is truly awesome.

Wava Nelson (Ira Wineland’s daughter) has never answered myletter. I had a nice letter from Marvin & Esther Wineland – but they had no information. They did send the picture of our Great Grandparents that I mentioned in my last letter.



Note: Believe this letter was written ca 1966. 

Elder Family References

Elder references:

“Whately Mass.” By Croft pg 459

“Penn, Genealogies” by Egles, 2nd edition pg 187-213

“History of Industry of Maine,” by Hatch p 603

“Mock Genealogy?” pg 69-75 (This must prove it)

“Maine History & General Records,” Vol IV, 161-7

“Marshalls Genealogy” (pub 1884) pg 13-5

“History of Gorham Maine,” by Pierce p 164

“Sgamon County, Illinois Settler,” by Powell p 282-4

“History of Whately Mass,” by Temple p 228

“Trumans Genealogy”

Tues Mar 3rd - Park Wineland

Tues Mar 3

Dear Shirley,

I am ashamed, I take it all back – about Park. I received a lovely letter from his wife saying he has been ill. I’m copying what she wrote alth’ she may have sent the same to you.

“Notes from Mrs. Park Wineland about your family which have a direct bearing on your questions to Park. He has been ill the past year & hasn’t been able to get out information as quickly as he once did so knowing how anxious you and Shirley Taylor are for information which might further your search I’m taking the liberty to write you. First Park has not compiled his vast amount of facts in book form, so he is not the man who is selling anything about the many Wineland families. (This was told to me by Rufus Winder who was told by Katy Wineland, Iran wife, but no one has the mane name now. June) Park is glad to help anyone who writes him. In fact the only other person of the Wineland family that we know of who has made a genealogy is – Iverson P. Wineland who compiled a Wineland history 40 or 50 years ago & had a printed genealogy made. This information was received from Ruth Dunnington, 2423  Inge St. So, Arlington, VA on July 17, 1955. This man was her Uncle. She says there was a Wm Wineland who married John Rolf. Wannita Rolf. Pocahontas married John Rolf. Mrs Dunnington could find no proof of any connection. She also speaks of a lost bble which is in Oregon in passion of a neice of a person who lives in Harlan, Iowa. We have found Wineland records under Wyland, Wieland, Wielands, and many other form of the name.

David Wineland of Blair Co, Pa, wrote a history & genealogy of his immediate families decended from – John Wineland B 1769 m Hannah Brumbaugh B 1775. (Issue 12 children)
T is my own opinion that you will find your John (1803) is a son of the brother of the above John whos name was Jacob.

1.       John W (1769) first son Jacob married a Christina MOCK (sometime MACK) There is much more about this Wineland family & the Mock’s in “Brumbaugh Family History,” which Park owns. Here I will list several imported source materials we possess. Pa, Fayette Co History – the oldest on Brumbaugh History. Pa census of 1790 – (the very first cencus) Ruppy 30,000 names – names immigrants, contains ships listing from 1600 to 1775.

On p 60 – Mack – sameas Mock. Sept 15, 1729-59 ship – Allen. 126 persons imported. James Craigie, Master. Alexander Mack Sr. was born at Schriesheim.

Note: The next page is missing at this point. I'm sure I'll find it among the others. Believe this letter was written ca. 1966. 

Unknown Date - George E. McElwen (?)

Due to the death of my father, George Bradley on ___ date – we were obligated to pay expenses of $663.12 to be divided among 3 persons. Each payed $221.04 was paid in full on June 16, 1964. On the 20th of July we were informed, by Social Security a check amounting to $120.00 was sent to your office, this was to be paid in the amount of $40.00 per account. Therefore a check should be forthcoming from you in the amount of $40.00 as our account had been paid in full before the daate you received the check from Soal Security.

I would appreciate your investigation of this matter.

I remain, Sincerely,

George E. McElwem

Note: The spelling of the last name in incorrect - it was hard to read the writing. This looks like a "practice" letter. There was no date with this note.