This blog is to honor those who have come before us. These are family letters that I have had for years and wanted to be able to share them with family. It's an interesting way of knowing how life was in the past.

Myron F Taylor with 3 of his buddies in 1952. Over the last 20 years I've been working on our family letters. Letters that have been passed down. Including letters from my parents to my great-grandmother. Every letter was saved by my great grandmother and grandmother. I hope someday to either print them or give them to a museum. I am copying the letters–not being able to photocopy all of them. Each letter is in script. I know today very few can read them. I hope you enjoy them.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Jan 24, '50 - A B Wilhite

Hardtner, Kans
Jan 24, ‘50

Mr. Archie Wineland,

Yours of the 9 of Dic rec’d. Sorry I mislaid your letter, just found it last night. Got that outfit rote me for reference hope you made it ok. No I am not married as yet. Sure is cold, sleeping by myself though. Clara is just fine. Pages have a nice Liquor Store where they run the restaurant now. Doing a nice business. Just got a letter from Robert Tyson this A.M. he is in Detroit Michigan now but not located as yet it is snowing here this a.m. 15 above Zero. Not nutch wind. I am living up stairs I say living just staying. Archie after we left Holdrege, went straight to my wheat 50 to 75 per cent hail, got 4 bn per acre. Just paid little over expenses, but cut some more for my neighbors then came home Bob got sick went to Hospital at Mitchell S.D. have not saw him since. Yes I had your drivers Lisence will send it to you, am thinking of going cutting wheat again this year. Brought case home left other 2 up there aim to sell them

Well Arch not mutch new down this way. All I do is haul a little sand go to dances, try enjoy my self, Clara & myself go to most all dances. A card party billed for to night. Don’t think of any news just now is still snowing. Will hang up for this time.

As ever, A.B. Wilhite
Will tell all hello for you.

NOTE: I believe this is from A B White, but the Signature reads as ABWilhite. I'll see what I can find on this. 

Calif - 1961 - Irvin Wineland

524 Wooerest Lane
Fallbrook, Calif

December 13, 1961

Dear Mabel and Archie,

Must get a letter started to you or Irvin never will getaround to it. He is busy picking avocados today and getting wood.

He did finally get into our own house but not until Thanksgiving day so we are still getting straightened out.

We like it here fine, its quiet and we are on a sort of a private street surrounded by avocado trees. Its been a little cold the last week and we have been burning our fireplace most of the day. Lots of old orchards and wood in these parts just for the getting. We do like our palce very much and everything is new. Had to get some secondhand furniture but we are very comfortable.

Hope Archie and you Mable are not working too hard as we are all getting old and can’t go it quite so hard. I’ll let Irvin go on with this. It seems as tho Shirley has been overseas a long time and should be coming home soon. I don’t think I have an address for them but will search my books. We can walk to town very quickly from here tho it seems like the country too. I will have to get out my knitting again as Irvin likes wool socks this weather. Its been so long since I have knitted don’t know if I still know how.

Aloho – well we finally got moved in our new home its rather small, but is about the best built house Ive ever seen – we have a foundation 18” deep 1 ft wide of steel & concrete and 34 cement pillars under the floor joists they are 4 by 8 – all 2 x 6 raftus, the code in Calif on new homes is certainly strick all copper pipes through out the house, 4 electrical circuts with 1000 aurps, its all add on the cost but I guess in the long run is worth it. I picked 6 boxes of avacados yesterday they are 11 c a lb very low – but in Jan will be up again I’ll pick some more then – then in April & May we have 4 Hass trees that will be ripe they should bring around 40 c a bl, we only have 25 all together on our place. I planted some beans and artichoke plants the other day, will be planting lettuce & carrots and peas between now and first of year.

Well have a nice Xmas and arrange to come down here next summer – best wishes for a happy holiday – Marion & Irv-