This blog is to honor those who have come before us. These are family letters that I have had for years and wanted to be able to share them with family. It's an interesting way of knowing how life was in the past.

Myron F Taylor with 3 of his buddies in 1952. Over the last 20 years I've been working on our family letters. Letters that have been passed down. Including letters from my parents to my great-grandmother. Every letter was saved by my great grandmother and grandmother. I hope someday to either print them or give them to a museum. I am copying the letters–not being able to photocopy all of them. Each letter is in script. I know today very few can read them. I hope you enjoy them.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Chicago, March 10th, 1869 - Eb White

March 10th 1869

Dear Rosa

I do not kow as you will be glad to get another letter from me so soon for I suppose you have got the one I sent you the other day I wrote it Sunday and put it in at Ottawa the next morning We thought that the car went at the Oclock and so we went down as far as Ikes Williams brother in law and went into that shop to stay until two oclock gohng you know had to go an to see Wife Canles (?) and he found out that the cars did not go until six in the morning so he come back to the shop and told us and we had to stay until morning but that was not the worst ofit you would have thought we was somebody gr to see the folks after us I will till you why this is a larg body of shoes makers or most all of them that have formed themselves into a Lodge or Society in the U.S. and they say that they will not work until they can have a good price for this work and they do all they can to stop others that do not belong. From marking if we had knowed about it we should not have come for we side with the shoemakers of sourse Will we had not been in the city a half a hour before they was after us not to go to work for you see it was like this if we went to work it would gain in strength to the manufactures and weeken the shoe maker or if we did not it would be the other way they met us at every place and they came nary near haveing a fight at our boarding house the first night some of the boarders belonged to the Lodge (but we did not know it) and so one of them asked father out doors and this was one yong man sides with the manufactures and so he told father not to go out with him then the other man got mad and they had it I thought they would fight but they did not by and by father went out and thir was about a days men at the door and on the street some of them was heade men of the Lodge and they was gentlemen and smart men and they talked with father and told him just how it was and they sent in for me and they talked with me they sead they would pay our fare back home and then just as soon as shoemakeing did start up or that is so soom as the manufactures would do right they would send for us so the rest went back and I am agoing to stay and get a job as soon as it comes all right the manufactres do not want to be gavernd by the shoemakers because they look on them as little better than dogs Of corse this does not interest you but perhaps you will read it through and I wished you to know how I was getting a long that is if you care I feel bad abut it for I thought I should do so well and make a good lot of money you know the reson I wished to make it but  it seems that Palnays have bad luck but I shall doc the best I can and If I don’t git anything to do here in three weeks I shall go east and see what I can do I am writing a long letter you can take yr time to read it but I have not got anything else to do.

Note: upside down on the top of the letter:
Be sure and address it to
E. White
(North. Wells. Street 533) Illinois

And then it will come right to the house please write soon. Eb.

Added to the letter from March 10, 1869

I have got a good boarding place now (I left that one that whare they came so neare fighting I did not like it) with a private family they have a nise little house and I like the folks vary mutch they have only one little girl and one boarder as I sead in the first port I do not know as you will be glad to git another letter so soon from me but I hope you will write me one as soon as you git this and send it to me for I want to hear from you and would like to all the time, I have a chance to look around the city and see a good meny pretty girls but they are all made up paint and false hair and thir is not one that I think so pretty as somebody that I know of Do you think a little of me some times Rosa I hope so and I hope thir is no yng man out thir that think that somebody is a very good girl or if thir is I hope the one I speek of wont think he is vary good for if you do what shall I do about it I shall have to stop now so good by Eben White. 

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