This blog is to honor those who have come before us. These are family letters that I have had for years and wanted to be able to share them with family. It's an interesting way of knowing how life was in the past.

Myron F Taylor with 3 of his buddies in 1952. Over the last 20 years I've been working on our family letters. Letters that have been passed down. Including letters from my parents to my great-grandmother. Every letter was saved by my great grandmother and grandmother. I hope someday to either print them or give them to a museum. I am copying the letters–not being able to photocopy all of them. Each letter is in script. I know today very few can read them. I hope you enjoy them.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Eben White to Rosa White - October 1882

Saturday Night – Oct 7 1882

Dear Rosa

Yours of the 2nd came to hand to night and found us all well. But wet and muddy. Yes it has come to that againe in Kas we had a fine rain last Monday onyesterday and most all day and it is raining now and will be a raining night I think. I am sorry that your Mother is so Pour I was so glad to get your note saying she was able to set up. Mrs Herrick give an oyster suffer last Wensday night – (for a good by) Gant Lowe Lowe armitage the Dr and others were asked but could not come. Freddie Lowe came over and sloped with the boys and Mr H sent them some cake we had a very nice time singing & c
There was a young man that was going from Ravell to Bull city and had to stay over night at the P.O. and so he was there at Mr. Hs we walked down to the store after it was throughand I asked him what was his state and he said Illinois, County Lalalle. Town of Lorlant I told him I came from nar there he said aint you got a brother in Iowa by the name of John I told him I had he said I sloped two or three days with him last week, odd was it not, I think I will slop for it is time to go to bed good night my dear.

Sunday 10 o’clock. A.M.
Just got through with my work and will finish this so to send out in the morn It took me three days to take the rye down for my wagon was so poor I got my pay and paid that 20 dollars to Lane so Major is free. But am afraid I shall lose that of Phillips he has nothing and is going away this winter to work. It is kind of hard when I have worked hard. And then my boor came I shall not get anything out of that the rain came through the shed and spoilt Mat Louise and mine I can not get a cent for it, my bad luck seems to come all at once but as long as we are well and I have my loved ones I can stand it I wain hopes that by another fall we could get some kind of a little house for it is so hard for you. For I expect after you stay there in a good home and lots to eat you will not want to come back here to the little sod house on the hill.

And now dear I don’t like to say anything about it at this time when your Mother is so sick but would it not be well to speak to the boys in time about the money for it will have to be paid you know and I would like to know in time so if I have to pay it I can sell a horse or some of the cattle d not have them take it and have lots of costs to pay by the time Maloney is paid and the Bank I am afraid we shall not have a team I helped threash ½ day to get that wheat – of Fathers I got 4 ¼ bushs. I am going sowing wheat tomorrow shall put n 15 acre I am afraid that they don’t take very good care of the cows but she wanted them very bad and said she would sethat they had all the watter they wanted and feed the calf well the Dr thinks I will have to see and offer me only 30 for that cow that will be the way if I have to sell I cannot get anything for them you must write often for the (?) thing to you are your letters a kiss for Lizzie I have sent you two letters and a card and L has sent you a card. Ever yours Eben

Note: This may help in explaining why Lizzie lived with her Aunt and Uncle all those years. 

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