This blog is to honor those who have come before us. These are family letters that I have had for years and wanted to be able to share them with family. It's an interesting way of knowing how life was in the past.

Myron F Taylor with 3 of his buddies in 1952. Over the last 20 years I've been working on our family letters. Letters that have been passed down. Including letters from my parents to my great-grandmother. Every letter was saved by my great grandmother and grandmother. I hope someday to either print them or give them to a museum. I am copying the letters–not being able to photocopy all of them. Each letter is in script. I know today very few can read them. I hope you enjoy them.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Lizzie White - Oct 25, 1894

Oct 25th 94.

Dear Mother,

I wrote you a postal this morning and then I missed the mail man so I didn’t get to send it. I’m going to stay with Grandma this week as Aunt Nell is gne to Clarksville to see about Church matters. Aunt Add and I have had lots of sewing to do we have got the box pretty near ready to send. but we didn’t know where to send it or whether to send it by express or freight. I guess it will take such a hug time to go by freight don’t it? So I want you to answer right away and tell us what to do. Lucia is back here now they have been having a terrible time up there Uncle Charlie turned John Frane off, there was so much talk about John & Mandi we wouldn’t be surprised any day to hear of Uncle Charlie & Frantis Gregory getting married & Mandi hate her son she was down here this afternoon and she & I had a big romp she & I got along splendid now. It took us quite awhile to get acquainted. Aunt Rose wanted Uncle Charlie to have me go there and stay all nite with her but he hasn’t decided. Agnes is teaching School I harldy ever see her any more Uncle Jule told me the other day that he guessed Lizie was mad at them because I never came down there & that’s the way they all talk. I got a letter from George and you this evening yes I got your bundles you sent me all right. Thank you what in the dickens does Fred want to keep Mike for? Tell Rafe that I weigh 140 lbs now and see what she willsayy to that I’m afraid you wouldent know me now that’s what I weighed yesterday. Yes I owe Grandma a letter & must answer it sum what a dear little woman she is anyway. Grandma is pearing apples & Uncle Will is reading and its raining. Wish you would step in Grandma got a letter from Father this evening well I will close for this time hoping to hear from you soon I remain your daughter Lizzie.

Notes on the letter – Why don’t Fred & Louise ever write any more to me? Tell George I will write soon good night.

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