Collins Colo
Mabel & Archie –
received your nice long letters some time ago – I’ve been so busy all summer
& fall & seems like I’ll never get any extra rest –
brought quite a few things when we came home from Fathers funeral –
some dishes & books – We all got together of course & staid with Father
til he died. Fred slept in his room & waited on him Sat nite & Sun
& Mon nites – Father was restless but didn’t seem to suffer – I sat up with
the boys most of Wed nite – He never came to after Tues at 9: PM & so we
were near him all the time – some of us. Then we all went out to the farm &
went up in attic & gathered things up. Sure wasn’t much let – as mice had
chewed up things Father had lots of books so we tried to divide those Had such
a little time to do thigs in. Yes Archie as far as I’m concerned you could have
Fathers watch – I think its at Wm’s as all the boys had watches. Don’t think it
was a very good one – Think some books may be there of yours too. Really wasn’t
much of any thing – They gave Fred Father’s ring & Wm his over coat – He had
another older, over coat & they sent that to Joe. Lonie was to have the old
Dresser but when he died Kittie said she wouldn’t eect to have it – so Father
said I could have it – as all the rest have furniture & I’ll be glad to
have it – when ever we can get it out here.
for Shirley’s picture I’m glad to have it. Yes we found that picture of you
& Wm & will try & send it some time Archie.
had a wonderful fall – Just a light snow a few weeks ago - & last wek has
been like spring. Today it is snowing so may be winter is here.
got a deer & Bob too – so we girls put up 24 qt & have some down town
in the cooler.
will probably go duck hunting this eve. &will also go Pheasant hunting when
the season opens. We made 4 gallon mince meat - & used the venison in it –
Is ral good I think. I made some green tomato preserve this week & think I’m
about thru canning & I’m tired of it. made over 50 doz cucumber sweet
pickles & a few watermelon & beet pickles. & made cherry sun
preserves & peach butter - & canned little corn. & some jell-
(& fruit) – few peaches – plums – Apricots – 40 qt cherries Red & block
raspberries. So we won’t starve for awhile – Business is so poor in wnter Just
hope we don’t have to go in debt.
so glad you are better since having tonsils out Archie. & do hope you all
will be fine all winter & that U will have work enuf to keep you, &
that things will soon get better for you.
& Curry & another couple came out in Deer season & staid 2 days
& 2 nites. Didn’t get a deer tho. Fred was here too & hunted some then
Harold came up from Idaho Spr. & got him & he hunted down there – but no
luck. M. & Bob are ok. They are still out to the track & will probably
be all winter. Suppose U know that Elaine had a baby & that Elaine is
married. Hated to see her get married for she helped Katie so much. & she
was so young – They don’t get a chance to see any of the world or do things for
themselves. But guess she will be the kind that will take care of her self.
morn – 20* above this morning – not much news to write – I don’t hear from
homoe very often now & miss Fathers cards.
U get the Natoma paper so read Fathers ibituary – The “Farmer” had such a nice
write up - & would like to send U one – but I had to send & buy 2 for M & I – Perhaps some one
else sent you one.
stop & iron & cut wash my hair –
we are invited to a party Sun nite – one of our friends birthday – s o his wife is having party for Joe & her
husband – Tho Joe’s birthday is past – Lots Love & write when U can
& Joe