This blog is to honor those who have come before us. These are family letters that I have had for years and wanted to be able to share them with family. It's an interesting way of knowing how life was in the past.

Myron F Taylor with 3 of his buddies in 1952. Over the last 20 years I've been working on our family letters. Letters that have been passed down. Including letters from my parents to my great-grandmother. Every letter was saved by my great grandmother and grandmother. I hope someday to either print them or give them to a museum. I am copying the letters–not being able to photocopy all of them. Each letter is in script. I know today very few can read them. I hope you enjoy them.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Overholser Book - 1981

(This is a mass mailing concerning the Overholser book.)

 The book will be delayed a little longer but should be ready by the end of Sept. The books will be promptly mailed out after I take delivery.

 Pictures belonging to others will be mailed under separate cover and by first class mail.

 Thank you for interest shown in the book and making the publication possible. 300 books have been printed and some are unspoken for in case you need additional books. There will not be another printing. The books are at the bender at present.


Mrs. Wayne Turn

2310 Rio Grande

San Angelo, TX 76901


Postmark: 1981

Eugene OR - Bill's Death

 Eugene Oregon

Dec 19, 1941

 Dear Mrs. Wineland –

 Received your letter today and am sending you a clipping that will explain about Bill. It is a terrible thing and the man has been indicted on 2nd degree murder charge. His trial comes up Jan 5th and I wish they could hang him. He hit Bill with asomething and I don’t think Bill ever knew what hit him. I guess you knew Jennie left Bill and Wayne two years ago. Wayne joined the Navy this last of Oct. He was home just a week and we heard from him today. They had intended to send him to air school in Seattle but now that the war is on he will have to do Sea Service and heaven only knows what that means. He said he would let us know his address later as he didn’t know himself. I’ll let you know when I find out if you want me to.

 I have heard Jeannie and Bill mention you folks but I can’t place you. Wish you’d tell me which cousin you are. You may hear that Bill drank a ot but don’t believe too much. He didn’t drink any more than the rest of the family. He was divorced in Cottage Grove and he had made a lot of friends there. I can’t yet believe he is gone. Jennie was here and acted mighty sorry. She went back to Baker, Oregon 2436 Church St. but I haven’t heard from her since she went back. Thanks for writing and would like to hear from you. 992 Willamette St. Eugene Oregon.


A.V. Gayer (Vice)

Return address is Gayer Rm#6

Eugene Credit Co.

902 Willamette St.

Eugene Oregon.


Note: This may be the other Wineland family that I have been trying to find. We met a Wineland that knew my grandmother but had no idea who his father was. Said his father was killed in Oregon and his mother never talked about him. At this time I do not know if he is Wineland or someone else. Article is missing from letter. 

Geo. & Violet White Dec 9th, 1942

 Luray Kansas

Dec 9, 1942

 Dear Mable Archie & Shirley,

 Rec’d your Christmas card and the nice letter inside. Was so pleased to hear from you and to know you are getting along so well.

 We are well. Been having terrible cold weather here now for over a week zero and below every morning. Ground has been white with snow since the day before Christmas not over 6 or 8 in on level but has drifted a little.

 Had a letter from Fred White said they had two ft on level and drifts 5 ft deep.

 Curry was along today Rosa’s husband. He travels and sells combines you know. Helen is still in Calf Dale works in the Volte Air Craft & Helen still works in the walnut house. Began work there two years in Sept. They closed down in March last summer & didn’t open until Oct. but she drew her compensation check $10.00 a week until they opened. She is an over seer or check girl has a table of 20 women & girls empty’s their boxes of nuts & grades them & punches their card and one for herself keeps her busy. There are always around 150 girls women working there. She makes about $18.00 a week. Dale gets $5.00 a day. Dale was off work a couple of mo’s had an appendix operation. Gary is in 2nd grade. Was 7 yrs old Xmas day.

 Howard & his wife came home from Calif. A couple of years ago in Oct her father died.

 Then they went to Kans City and have been down there now two years this month they both work and make pretty good she does off ice work.

 Lucille is quite a big girl will be 12 yrs old the 9th of Mar. Anyone would think she was 14 or 15 that didn’t know her. She is in 6th grade. Plays basket ball and plays in the band.

 Your new range must be very pretty. Yes I know everyone out there burns wood. I visited Cliff a couple of years ago and they had a nice white range stove. We would sure love to visit you folks but it seems so hard for George to ever get away from home any more and money is always so scarce.

 Has so much land to look after since Cy’s death & Ruth has moved to Osb. He put that place out to wheat himself hired it done so if there is any wheat this year it will all be his own. He went up there every day for 3 mons from fall to Christmas. The old place was so terrible run down.

 Everett Dawe & wife live down at the stone house. He and Everett painted the old red roof sure does look nice had to all most build a new porch on North East & south porch was so rotted out & put on new shingles on roof of porch.  Tore the south part of the barn off and patched up the north part & shingled it new and fixed up grainers & machine shed and painted them red. You sure would hardly recognize the place.  

 Has had two or 3 new government pounds on that place was two then had another on built over west this fall has a nice pond down on the place where Everett lives that keeps the well down by the barn supplied with water now.

 Geo. Bought 120 head of young cattle a year ago last fall sold them this Dec. made good money on them.

 He now wants to buy about 75 head of cows. Bought and old Mother pig and 10 little pigs 2 weeks old about a mo. Ago paid $66.00 for her isn’t that a terrible price.

 Everett & wife are both good workers had a pretty nice garden and she canned lots of things had their potatoes & squash & pumpkins.

 Geo. Had Everett put outa sack of potatoes for us and we got around 15 br. in return sold some & still have potatoes. Last spring Everett had a horse struck by lightning he skinned the horse sold the hide and bought 50 little chickens and had them up in the brooder house & ten old hens setting in there and lightning struck it one night and burned it to the ground. Was such a loss to them & made her chicken’s a little late, but she kept right on trying and raised quite a nice little flock. My this war is getting to e serious don’t know when Howard might be called am afraid it won’t be long they are going to take so many in Feb. Helen is 30 miles from Los Angles (ave) 18 mi from Long Beach. They have only had one black out at Orange. Her address is 136 W – Culver, Orange Calif.

 Joe & Nettie moved from Dodge to Topeka, the first of June. He has a job traveling for a Farmers Union I guess it is they furnish his car & pay al expenses and get $130.00 a mo.

 Well I must close & get to bed it’s 12 P.M. I couldn’t sleep so got up about 10:30 and have been writing letters.

 With lots of Love from

 Aunt Violet & Uncle Geo.