This blog is to honor those who have come before us. These are family letters that I have had for years and wanted to be able to share them with family. It's an interesting way of knowing how life was in the past.

Myron F Taylor with 3 of his buddies in 1952. Over the last 20 years I've been working on our family letters. Letters that have been passed down. Including letters from my parents to my great-grandmother. Every letter was saved by my great grandmother and grandmother. I hope someday to either print them or give them to a museum. I am copying the letters–not being able to photocopy all of them. Each letter is in script. I know today very few can read them. I hope you enjoy them.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

December 2, 1957

December 2, 1957
Box 65 Hauula
Oahu, Hawaii

Dear Mabel and Archie:

Well I'll jut finish up Irvin's long letter. Glad to hear you folks are OK. Here it is the day after the Hurricane. Yesterday about 445 the lights went out and no TV or radio so had to use candles. Quite a heavy wind and it blew down 8 of our banana trees as Irvin and I have been working all morning clearing up the mess and dragging the trees out to the back to burn. You see the banana tree preduces only one bunch of bananas and then you cut it down anyway. We saved the big bunches of bananas off the trees that fell down which will ripen OK. The banana tree is a pulpy affair and easy to blow down. Of course we still have quite a few and more keiki's coming on all the time (keiki means offspring or little ones.)  There were a few heavy gusts of wind but as you have probably heard on the radio the hurricane hit the island of Kauai much worse. It rained heavily but we were quite cozy with our fireplace lit. The cats all layed around and slept. Everything is normal again today with sunshine and just a slight wind. None of Irvin's orchids were injured.

Have learned how to make plum pudding with bananas and it is really good, and very easy to make, just breadcrumbs, bananas, milk and soda and what raisins, mixed candied fruit you want to put in.

It is nice Shirley is going to have another little one. It is nice to have grandchildren - I know what happiness my susters get from it and they are starting to have a great many now. Irvin and I are just grandparents to Puhl's kittens I guess.

Have been getting unemployment insurance for months now and am just as well off as if I worked and had to pay transportation, income tax etc.

There is good fishing right out in the ocean in front of us but Irvin doesn't care about it any more. Archie would enjoy a visit some time. Irvin is busy as a bee all the time, burning rubbish, making pots for orchids, etc.

Here it is nearly Xmas. Thats one thing I can't feel Christmasy here. Not the weather for it. All the little kids sing "Jingle Bells" tho. None of them have ever seen snow.

We are always happy to see any friends or friends of friends as we have no relatives or many friends here. Its a good thing I am not a woman who needs to visit much. Keep busy with things around, sewing cats etc. I go swimming on sunny days.

Love, Marion

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Post Card - postmarked May 5, 7 PM 1958

Mrs. Louie White, Natoma Kan

Post marked: Oct 21, 2 PM, 1961

Oct 20 - 61

Dear Archie and Mable,

Did you get home safe & sound. No word since you were home Decoration time.

U Wm and A.K. were home in Aug. Also no word from them since either I suppose they got there all right or, we likely would of heard. It seemed so good see you and them. And If you wait as long to come again I wont be here as you know my race is almost done. You know it seemed like grandfather seemed old also my mother  I am near 4 yrs older than mother was, and soon be as old as grandF - It dont hardly seem posible But time goes on and dont wait for anyone.

We have had a cool summer I cant remember of even having one as cool But maybe Iv gorgot and now we are having a wonderful fall, No frost to hurt tomato vines The paper spoke like there had been a light frost and it must of been But the trees are loosing their leaves pretty fast Or some of them are.

Ruth and Shirley are at Bobs at Topeka, Don is in Can. and Shirley wants to be near a Base Hosp so she is at B & Phyllis now R plans to come home a week from tomorrow for a day or so Then after S is out of H They will be home again I think dons time is out in the Spring If he dont enlist again  I suppose youve heard of U Joe Seamans death  They brought him here for Burial But I didnt know or hear it until after the burial The funeral Services were in Osborne. I dont have a quilt on the frames now Iv been peicing and I believ I only past of two quilts left just the blocks Maybe I told you I was peicing Prim when you were home in the Spring. I havent heard from the boys families for quilt a bit I wish they could find time to write more often then they do  J. E s little boy isnt very well Tho they thought some filter still has his good days and bad ones seems strange they cant seem to find out the trouble Johny hurt his leg and back and had to miss several days of school and Ferrell stepped in a hole and then him against drill strike his face and put him out for several hours  He was hurt over there near 1 x L church was on close to where Alex farm is I expect you can remember that and he didnt seem to realize any thing until after they brot him home and on to Hosp at Plainsville But OK now Im sending your mother's obituary. Be sure and write sometime. Your Aunt Catherine

{On a separate piece of paper this was written}

They made a mistake of the mo. your mother was born as her birthday was June 21 instead of May. Lizzie Fred and Geo were all born in June Fred - I - 24 L J 21 - Geo J 30

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wed eve Dec 18 (1963?)

Wed eve, Dec 18,

Dear Archie and Mabel:

    We'll you'll be supprised to get a letter from me this quick but just thinking of what Archie asked me if I knew anything about the Winelands in Penn. during the whiskey Rebelian which was I believe in 1835 or 36. Yes grandfather was only about 4 years old then as he was born I believe 1831 or '32 I believe his father was running a still and all of his family and the neighbors took to the hills until things settled down, then I think he moved to Ohio and grandfather was there till he was 16 or 17 there he and another neighbor boy took off for the wide open spaces west then joined up with a morman wagon train then they went to Salt Lake and they stayed there for 5 or 6 mo until the Mormans ran them off for not joining the Morman church Grandfather's name is in corner stone of the Tabernacle. I think that grandfathers - father, came to Penn from Germany around 1810 -I remember grandfather had his family's old German Bills that his father brought from Germany - buty what happened to it, is your guess is as good as mine - Ira, or Mattie came up with it is my guess. I know grandfather said that the family was descended or lived in the Rhine Valley in Germany - and thas Wineland was derived from Grape country.
    I guess Uncle Geo was just spreading it on about our place, we had is built to our specifications, we only have 2 bedrooms but it is well built all 4x4 & 2x8 floor joists and 2" tongue & grove sub floor with hard wood floors over that, we do have a nice big fire place with a heatolater in it, that we enjoy. We have 25 avacado trees with 3 orange trees about 14000 sq ft lot I think 95x150 or something like that. I was down in San Diego to the hospital Monday forsome xrays on my kidneys & blader and I have to go back tomorrow again I'll be glad when the release me entirely I made up a number of Cherry wood plates and carved some birds - I sold everything out as fast as I made them up, I carved a dogwood flower and on some I carved Holly flower and they all went out. I told Marion I'd start in June or July and make up 50 or 100 such things and I could sell all of them toward Xmas. I'm going to take it a little easier from now on.
   Archie why don't you take your Social Security now? I think you'll loose some if you don't keep working and pay in full amt, better ask about it and find out. I know I lost a few dollars on ac't I did not work the last 2 or three years, it all counts up.
     We sent you a fruit pkg, just wondered if you got it O.K.
     Well have a Merry Xmas and a Most Happy New Year -

                                                                                                Marion & Irv.

The Hulman Building, Dayton 2, Ohio (1956)

This letter and many letters from Park Wineland are on letterhead paper with The Hulman Building address.

June 13, 1956

Mr. Arch E. Wineland
6336 32nd SW
Seattle, Wash

Dear Mr. Wineland:

   Will you help me in compiling the Wineland regiter or history??

   Will you fill out the charts inclosed, and give me any other historical data on the base of these sheets.

   Do you belong to any one of the following.
                                        John Nicholas B -1796
                                        John Fredreck W. B-1744
                                        Peter Wineland B- about 1700
                                        Jacob Wineland B - 1760
                                        Henry Wineland  Revolutunary War  1776
                                        Ferdimared (sp?) B 1773 D. 1885 - 112 years old

There are a few more.

Thanks so much for your help.

                                             Park Wineland

Can you tell me anything about Irvin Wineladn 1514 Berenes?

NOTE: I also found the following note with the above letter. I have always known the family history on the Wineland's was completed, but have not been able to find the information. The more I look through the letters and newspaper articles that were saved, I may find all the information Park Wineland was working on. I believe the collection is out there and needs to be located.

Park Wineland is collecting a history of the Winelands, Weinlands, Wylands, Wilands, Weilands, Wheelands. They are all (the word "of" written over the word "on') basic family named Weinland. To date have five emigrants before 1800 - one in 1820 I hope to set as much of this up in general Record form. and I have been asked to file it with the Historical Society in Lancaster Pa. also the Lutheran library in Philadelphia To date I have catalogued more than 2000 names, Wineland in Alaska and Australia.

NOTE: Alaska did not become a state till 1959.

Postmarked: Stockton, Kans. Nov. 27, 1961

Mrs. Lee Williams
Stockton, Ks.

Nov 26, 1961

Dear Bro & Sis,

     How are you. Why dont you kids ever write. We are well & hope you are in good health;

     Buismess has been pretty good. had wonderful winter so far.
    Max my daugter was home for 1 mo wick went by to fast. Thy are all well.

    Archie Ive located dad last 3 boys.

    Fran Kirk & John Kirk are both at Mead Wash. Geo lives here 150 miles from me. him & his wife came up & spent all day & on night thy live at Haddam Ks. sure had good visit with Them.

    Alvin at Lexington Nebr & Floyd at California MO. do you have Irvins address. he the only one I havent seen wish we all could get together & have a Happy family day. sure wish you kids could of spent more time with us.

     Just short dream.

     Has Shirley & family got home.

     Well, we'll close knew you like know of where boys were so just line to let you know I think of you & Love you.

     As Ever. Your Sis
           Mamie J. Lee
             Write us some time & be good.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Aug 28, 1949 Natoma Kans

Dear Mom and Shirley.
Got your card from Delmer and your letter from La Grande, so guess by now you are in Seattle. Hope you got in ok and found everything o.k. Doing the same thing most every day, caking steers and fixing fence, repairing machinery and what not. went to Osb wed to take a horse for Ralph to Referee Polo game. The Jeep, Richard and I. We left soon after game. Havent found out about the Fairport deal yet but dont think Shores is doing any thing about it. Ralph is gone most of the time. Left last nite to take some Drunk and guess he will stay at Manhatten to ship some steers. Caught 2 nice channel cats the first of the week and have a couple of lines set, caught one last night. See Mel and Mattie most every day but haven't saw Son's (Don's?) yet. Went up north the other day and cut out a couple of Ralphs cows that were in Albrights pasture, then got a steer and brought him back to the bunch down here. Didn't fall off the horse so can still ride yet. Warrena is getting along O.K. Ella said she stood up (I suppose they helped her) for the first time the other day, and she fainted. Ella says she faints awful easy. Dont go to town much, but will have to go in and get some gas in Jeep so will take my washing in.

Hows Irwin and Marion, also Boeings and other Jobs there? tire is Seattle very dead? I am sorry I didnt get a Birthday card to you, or Irvin, or Aunt Nettie or Mattie, but you know me (al). Will quit and go cake the steers as I go bout 11 every day and its 15 till. Will finish later.

If Fred shows up dont say too much only that, as far as work I have had all the jobs I've wanted, and about Harvest, that we cut around 12 hundred acres up to Neb line. Then Ill fill him full when I get home. He has a 12 inch cresent an 10 in crescent a big Ball Pein Hammer, Cold Chisel, and a Box end wrench that Bill Borrowed so if he Brings any thing Back see that they are all there.

Hope Irvin is still at Pacific Marine, wish I could get on there for the winter as Ill have a hard time.Probably to get Back at Boings. Ill find out about the Fairport deal tho before I come, although if the Laundry looks good, and if a person can get on at Hermiston or Vmatilla I'm in favor of it if you are still interested in it.

Well Shirley you will soon be in school. guess the kids at Natoma will have some country school houses moved in. Sure a mess for them. I went up on the Hill place but a person doesnt reconogise much, Barn and buildings all gone. Didn't seem natural. Haven't been any where only Natoma and Back. Well dinner is about Ready so will close. Ella and I will have to eat by our selves. Wish you two were here.

By for now always your Daddie
Now Both of you write.

(Archie's letter to Mable and Shirley)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Family Reunion! 1936

Found this post card in the box of letters I'm working on.

I often wonder how much it had to cost to get stuff printed by the printer. Was it as expensive as it is now, or was it cheaper? Not everyone had access to printing like we do today.

Amazing to see the Wineland's had reunions even back in 1936 to this day! It has been a family tradition to have a Wineland family reunion. Makes me wonder how many still keep the Wineland name.

Now for another letter from the White family:

Envelope: Mrs. Wm. White, Natoma, Kans.

Natoma, Kansas
March 9, 1942

Dear Mabel & Archie,

Your letter came a few days ago and we were all so glad to hear from you. We hope it will never be necessary to send Shirley back to us but you know she would be welcome and I would take the best care of her I could. I think it would be nice for all concerned if Jo would take a special interest in her and perhaps keep her part of the time. You know a home with so many children means more or less confusion and as Shirley has never lived in such a home it might worry and tire her. The children all think it woul be fine to have another little girl here. As Richard was getting ready for bed tonite he talked about it and sad "Then if Kathleen didn't want to play with me, Shirley would, wouldn't she mother?" I don't know how Jo would feel about it but it seems to me she would be thrilled to have some one to be interested in. If it is going to be so dangerous there why don't you all come back? Wilda's husband told us they were going to start for Oregan the 15th. There are plenty of jobs her so it isn't that that takes them back. perhaps they won't get started tho as Wm. said this evening that their boys have the measles. We just finished with them and I am glad they are done with. Elaine had them first, then all the girls here and finally Richard. Elaine's baby has them now and she says he is pretty sick today. Poor little fellow, he has had two kinds of measles and the whooping cough since he came back here last summer. He doesn't seem to have been hurt seriously tho as he weighs thirty pounds at eighteen months. Nearly as much as Richard weighs. You asked where Elaine lives. Frank Reiner has built two little modern houses to rent, just across east from their house and they live in one of them. It is just a tiny place - kitchen with dining place in the ends, living room bed room and bath. A little back porch too. Is clean and new and fixed up cute. They bought their own furniture. A three piece bed room suite, Small overstuffed set for living room and breakfast set. Dallas has a good job - pumping in the oil fields - but they got behind before they got it so are still paying off old debts. In a few more months now they will be out of debt and then should be able to save a little. If the war keeps on I suppose he will have to go into the army but so far is in class three.

Eloise is well. She looked fine after the last baby came but says she has not felt so good just lately and seems to take cold easily which is unusual for her. The babies are as nice and healthy as can be. I do hope they have no more for a while. They say they have their family but of course they are not certain about it. Eloise is a very good mother. Has a world of patience and takes lot of puins (?) with babies. Thaine is just as good a father. I In fact I never saw so young a man be so wild about his babies and they are crazy about him. He works for the state Hiway Dept. and draws good money but it means moving all times. They finally got a trailer house which is better for them. Eloise wrote lately that they have applied for a job in the munitein plant at Denver and seemed ancious to live in one place for a while. Eloise budgets their money and makes it go a lot farther than I can make ours go.

I think I must quit and go to bed. I washed today - a little for Elaine besides mine so it was a big one. Even moved a few things this evening.so I'm tired. Oh, yes. I'm heavier. Weigh 135 and sometimes got close to 140 but I feel lots better than I used to so its o.k. Elizabeth surely has changed. She graduates this year. will be 18 next week, no the 24th it is. Thinks she will take a nursing course. Write again, and thanks for the compliment you give me when you ask me to take care of your most precious possession. We all think she is a very cute little girl. Is she still very blond? I'm sending these pictures to Archie. That he thout he would appreciate the cowboy. ha ha.

When he grows up he wants to be a cowboy ust like Jean Autry or Hop-o-long Cassidy. (you can tell he goes to movies, can't you.)

Good Night, Love to all


Thursday, March 1, 2012

May 15, 1946

May 15, 1946

Dear Mable.
I will write a few lines tonight. we are all. O.K. how are you all there. will you get to come see me this summer. I sure hope so. well this is Thursday & I still haven’t finished this. Betty & I still have been cleaning house. & polishing up the furniture. & I still have mothers to sell it & I must get it done. we finaly got enough money to pay all the funeral expences, & it was sure a plenty I belive they were in little over 8 hundred dollars. & they will probably be $50\00 yet to pay in Sept. hows. Shirley. & how did she like her broclate? or did she get it? is her school out yet? ours was out yestereay. but Delmer has to go. tomorrow & get his report card. I don’t think he will pass this year. wel Jr. passed his physical. exprays & all but don’t know yet if he will be called before July or not. Orville & Betty are staying here again now. then will go on to Baker. she will go to if they can get a place or trailer to live in. they got me. a electric iron for mothers day. & I sure kneeded it to. Jr. & Della got me a set of 6 glasses on a stand. they are sure nice. & Marvin & Ethel got me a glass fruit basket its nice to. have you seen Margie lately, she sent Jay a nice wrist watch. hes sure proud of it. thanks for the lovely card. Marvin hasent seen anything about your stove yet. but I think its O.K. exept rust on top. when I get a chance Ill look at its. but Orville day off is on Sunday. & his last time off I had so much business to see to. I didnt have time & he has been sick to. Drs don’t know for sure yet whats rong, they will takeex rays. pretty soon.  the dr wrote in to see if the government wont help him pay expences last week. he spit up blood.  & the Dr said lots of noise on his lungs. he isn’t well so much of the time. He nearly has a pocolis stroke over seas. & hes afraid of it yet. Betty says he wont tell me. he don’t like to talk, but I belive he knows whats rong but wont say & Bety thinks so to. well am awfuly tired. so will go to bed. Ive had so much this week. business & work to. so good night oodles of love,
Mother & all

NOTE: Orville Matheson was Minnie Reeder's son. He died shortly after this letter was written. He served in WWII and after coming home died of a brain clot (can't spell the correct word).