This blog is to honor those who have come before us. These are family letters that I have had for years and wanted to be able to share them with family. It's an interesting way of knowing how life was in the past.

Myron F Taylor with 3 of his buddies in 1952. Over the last 20 years I've been working on our family letters. Letters that have been passed down. Including letters from my parents to my great-grandmother. Every letter was saved by my great grandmother and grandmother. I hope someday to either print them or give them to a museum. I am copying the letters–not being able to photocopy all of them. Each letter is in script. I know today very few can read them. I hope you enjoy them.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Hulman Building, Dayton 2, Ohio (1956)

This letter and many letters from Park Wineland are on letterhead paper with The Hulman Building address.

June 13, 1956

Mr. Arch E. Wineland
6336 32nd SW
Seattle, Wash

Dear Mr. Wineland:

   Will you help me in compiling the Wineland regiter or history??

   Will you fill out the charts inclosed, and give me any other historical data on the base of these sheets.

   Do you belong to any one of the following.
                                        John Nicholas B -1796
                                        John Fredreck W. B-1744
                                        Peter Wineland B- about 1700
                                        Jacob Wineland B - 1760
                                        Henry Wineland  Revolutunary War  1776
                                        Ferdimared (sp?) B 1773 D. 1885 - 112 years old

There are a few more.

Thanks so much for your help.

                                             Park Wineland

Can you tell me anything about Irvin Wineladn 1514 Berenes?

NOTE: I also found the following note with the above letter. I have always known the family history on the Wineland's was completed, but have not been able to find the information. The more I look through the letters and newspaper articles that were saved, I may find all the information Park Wineland was working on. I believe the collection is out there and needs to be located.

Park Wineland is collecting a history of the Winelands, Weinlands, Wylands, Wilands, Weilands, Wheelands. They are all (the word "of" written over the word "on') basic family named Weinland. To date have five emigrants before 1800 - one in 1820 I hope to set as much of this up in general Record form. and I have been asked to file it with the Historical Society in Lancaster Pa. also the Lutheran library in Philadelphia To date I have catalogued more than 2000 names, Wineland in Alaska and Australia.

NOTE: Alaska did not become a state till 1959.

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