This blog is to honor those who have come before us. These are family letters that I have had for years and wanted to be able to share them with family. It's an interesting way of knowing how life was in the past.

Myron F Taylor with 3 of his buddies in 1952. Over the last 20 years I've been working on our family letters. Letters that have been passed down. Including letters from my parents to my great-grandmother. Every letter was saved by my great grandmother and grandmother. I hope someday to either print them or give them to a museum. I am copying the letters–not being able to photocopy all of them. Each letter is in script. I know today very few can read them. I hope you enjoy them.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thursday Afternoon - Ebon White

Thursday Afternoon

Dear Wife

It seems odd to be writing to you almost 1000 miles away and only day before yesterday you were right here but as the old black woman said in the story "here to day and here tomorrow" you will soon know how your Mother is and if it is the worst you know how I shall feel for you if you find her better which I hope you will you must try and injoy your visit but don't forget the little old sod house or the hill we got some wet coming home and had quite the rain here not enough to do the well any good but will bring up the rye it went down about 2 inches. I wanted to go right to work but when I went to take Nellie out of the stable this morning she could not go and one of her hind ankles is all swelled up she must have sprant it she sliped twice after it rained and made the roads mudy I feel bad about it for if she gets well it will take a week. I put some stuff on it I sent over and got Grants old mare and Louse is rooling but she cannot do much the Lighter boy was here before & got up to get that money I had 2.50 I paid and sent him over and got the rest of Land I went up to Saysters but cannot have that for 10 days. Mrs. Lorne came down the next morning and done up all the work she told me to day that anything that I wanted to come up there. write soon and often. Eben

NOTE: This letter was written on the back of a "Teacher's Contract." There is a dark circle around the words "Kiss for Lizzie"  Lizzie is their daughter and my great grandmother.

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