April 22, 1985
Dear Mable,
Got your letter to day & will fill you in on Wilda’s
condition she candress herself but can’t get into the bath tub.
She cooks her own breakfast but she can’t remember where
things are at &I have to show her.
She walks 6 to 10 blocks each day weather permitting is able
to make own bed.
I have to cook noon & evening meal she can’t give her
self her insulin shots I have to also she has to take other pills but doesn’t know
how many & when to take them.
She carrys on a simple conversation pretty good but some
times it takes 10 to 20 minutes to tell what she wants.
She knows but can’t get the right wards to come out she
calls each of the boys bob she can write only a few words & some sentences
make sense & some don’t
She can not read only a few words & if she reads aloud
she makes mistakes
I have to weigh & measure all her food
When company comes if they stay an hour she gets awfuly
I do all the washing & cleaning she will not be able to
go to the Matheson reunion
We have a RN comes twice a month & a speech therapist
each week.
She said she would love to see you but is not able to have
I am 75 & ot very good shape don’t know how long I will
last or how long the money will last so far it has cost $50,000 & is still
She was in the hospital 62 days & onconcious 6 days
& didn’t know very much for 3 months
It affected her eye sight & they can’t do anything until
she is able to read the yey chart
The doctors had to cut a hole in her head just above &
behind her left ear as large as a coffee cup & remove a large blood clot it
caused some brain damage she may never make a complete recovery.
She has been to Natoma also to the bank & 3 or 4 times
to the Grocery store but doesnot know
anything about buying grocerys
She has good use of hands & legs
Has trouble with blader infection every 2 or 3 months blood
pressure is normall blood sugar up a little taken 30 units of v100 pills a day
to prevent convulsions
I had two skin cancers removed from back of my left hand
last week. Get one on my right hand to remove in a few weeks when the left one
Well I guess I better close as ever
Ray & Wilda
Wild said tell you maby next year you could come & stay
a few weeks
Hope you can read my writing
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