This blog is to honor those who have come before us. These are family letters that I have had for years and wanted to be able to share them with family. It's an interesting way of knowing how life was in the past.

Myron F Taylor with 3 of his buddies in 1952. Over the last 20 years I've been working on our family letters. Letters that have been passed down. Including letters from my parents to my great-grandmother. Every letter was saved by my great grandmother and grandmother. I hope someday to either print them or give them to a museum. I am copying the letters–not being able to photocopy all of them. Each letter is in script. I know today very few can read them. I hope you enjoy them.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Irvin Wineland - Hawaii Unknow Date


Thurs eve

Dear Archie & Mable,

We rec’d your letter yesterday and was glad to hear from you.

No, we did n’t have any damage done by the tidal wave. I was at ork and they rec’d the news of one coming, I was sort of worried about Marion and Puki our Siamese cat, when I got home Marion said the Police came around early in the morning and gave the warning and instead of going back to the Mts back of us they all went over to the beach and watched it come in. Marion said it was only 3 or 4 ft high on our beach, so it only went over the road a few ft, we’re a block and a half away from it. A few places like Hilo, waived on Oaki and on the Island of Kauai got it pretty good our sending a map to you some idea of the area hit.

I got a letter from Roy Harvey back at Osborne KS, and he said things were pretty dry also half of the business places had closed doors as things were pretty tough there.

Yes I know Al Smith whose photo you sent, he’s at Volunteer Park and has quite a few Orchids of his own.

I have a phalaenopsis , which is a Orchid from the Phillipines that bloomed in Nov and lasted up to 2 weeks ago and now has over 50 flower buds on it. Said will have Dooms for over a 6 mo period. I paid $6.00 for the plant last fall and it’s easily worth 75 to 100$ one gets a real good one ut of 15 to 20 I also picked up a extra choice Vauda Orchid a Sandarina –  which is dark pinkish cast with a exquisite bloom about the size of a small saucer and if it blooms next time as good as it did in Dec, I’ll place it in the first Orchid Show if I can time it’s bloom, for it is an extra choice one.

This blame job that I’m on has kept me tied down, but it will be over this weekend, thank heavens. I sure don’t want any more news press jobs, we had to assemble every blame roller, plates frames and they weigh from 1 to over 2 tons each too darn heavy and dangerous. I’ve only had 5 days off since the 1st of the year one hundred dollars was my smallest check that is take home pay – up to $124 they only pay 1 ½ for Sat and Sun.

Over here, so I’ll take a darn good rest for a while.

I sure was surprised at Old Brown. I suppose he told Don and Ed off and they just canned him, which they should of done years ago. Old Hutch has been failing for several years so I wasn’t surprised at him.

Don wrote a wonderful recommendation letter for me, so if I do need work it may help, but all the machinists over here are all working, so one don’t have any trouble finding work.

Marion said she might work at the Tel Co. for a while and she wants me to stay and watch the place and do some work such as a out door fire place, etc.

We’ve had some rain the last month or so but with sunshine in between so it is not too bad. These darn pens are hay wire.

Write when you can –



Marion and Irvin.


PS We have a coffee tree that just bloomed and now has tiny coffee beans coming



Well I will jut add a note to Irvin’s letter. He has told you most of the news. All houses here have been built up a little so that if water gets underneath it won’t come into the house unless it is several feet deep. Since Irvin has been working and having two meals away from home I have been practically living on bananas. I eat two or three for breakfast with my coffee and for lunch. Not getting very thin either tho I am happy to say I haven’t gained any since being here in Hawaii.

Our Siamese cat may be going to have kittens. We tried to mate her to a purebred Siamese Tom named Rhone. Don’t know what results were yet. Have you still go the black car and your bird? We have some beautiful birds here – wild ones. They have red topknots and white breasts, grey wings. Also we have the red cardinal and minor birds galore. Puhi tries to catch them but they are two fast for her. She climbs away up in the tall trees after them.

Today I sat out under the Banana trees sewing. Am making a nightgown for the Kahuki hospital – a childs. This is a project taken over by the Kahuku Women’s Society. It meets once a month. I go when I can. The Minister’s wife came and got me this month so I went. Only about ten or twelve woman who are mostly army personnel and Haoles – white. Once in a while Irvin and I go the Methodist Church in Kahuku – 6 miles away. I get letters from my sisters so keeps me busy writing them. It’s nice we have airmail because it takes only a day or two to reach them.

Guess Shirley would do well to have another baby while she is about it or Chris will get spoiled. Well its bed time so will sign off and get this stamped and ready to mail tomorrow,

Seems a long time ago since I last saw you standing in front of your house and saying Goodbye. Hoe you will get over here some day soon for a visit.

Love, Marion

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